Andrey Peña Duque





Andrey Peña Duque


Hospitality is what we give our patients to make their stay in the Hospital more agreeable, and very often the patients are looking for affection, human warmth, looking after and understanding their needs; the charism and my nature as a personal Co-worker obliges me to respect and treat them with dignity; because of their sickness, they are ill-treated every day; the charism and my nature as a Co-worker oblige me to ensure that any crisis affecting the patient is treated with respect and dignity.

We must bear in mind the type of people we are working with, because they are patients, and very often we fail to understand that. We have to be willing to serve their every need, however insignificant that may be, and we must do so as lovingly as possible, in the independently of our work and any stress we may be under, for they are people who need the cooperation of someone to assist them and work to ensure that they are in good form (physical or mental).

From my personal experience I think that the legacy of St John of God is a great example to me as an Occupational Therapy Auxiliary. It makes me retrain every day, and give the best of myself to help those who need me, and who express their thanks with a simple gesture. My daily work gives me satisfaction because I consider that I can creatively reach out to the patients, who feel accepted by me, and I respond appropriately to their needs, enabling them to channel their sadness, which is an important factor in their treatment.

Out of a sense of personal conviction, and because I know that I have been called to serve the patients in the Hospital, I will continue to serve them in future as I have done until now. 


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