Carlos Benseny Lorenzo






Benseny Lorenzo


I have been working for four years in the Order, caring for people with intellectual disabilities and mental health problems in one of its Centres.

My sense of satisfaction at being able to perform a particular mission has grown all the time.

There are many reasons for this: one of them has been the ability to deploy a capacity which all of us possess: the ability to help people.

In my own experience I have seen this two-way result: the satisfaction of helping to improve a person’s life is as welcome to those who receive it as it is to those who offer it.

It is this sense of satisfaction that gave rise to my curiosity to find out more about the life and work of Juan Ciudad, feeling a huge admiration for him which has never ceased to surprise me while becoming increasingly familiar with other centres and agencies of the Order.

I have been amazed by the way the services range beyond all language and cultural barriers, in a vast network of assistance to the most vulnerable people.

In my short but intense experience I have been able to sense and experience for myself the ultimate source of Saint John of God’s solidity: his values.

 Values that perhaps began with a great sense of hospitality by welcoming freely any “stranger” in, with respect, quality care, warmth and responsibility.

 And I am grateful for having crossed the path of Saint John of God, particularly at a time when I needed to reconcile myself once again to life, proud to be in and with John of God, and I can certainly say that by helping others, you help yourself, and if you do not give, you take. 


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