Mario Enrique Rosero





Mario Enrique Rosero


I have been a member of the Hospitaller Family of St John of God through my vocation to teaching and my service to people, since November 2, 1993. My work has focused on long-term inpatients, emphasising game-playing in which patients express their feelings, emotions and thoughts, which are the levels at which the human being responds: feeling, thinking and acting. In 2010, with the Brothers’ support, the idea of establishing an Occupational Therapy School for long-term inpatients became firmly established, to foster their inclusion by focusing on their bio-psychosocial and spiritual aspects, motivating the patients to make good use of their free time, reading and writing, thereby preventing deterioration and chronic illness; it will also develop the patients’ learning, investigation, communication, self-expression, listening, innovating, reasoning, exploring, experimenting and group work skills. Through the School, patients will also work on their daily life skills (ABC and AVD).

With the backing of the Scientific Directorate of the San Rafael Hospital at Pasto, in 2013 we ran a research project entitled “Educational gameplaying as a long-term psychiatric patient’s therapeutic rebirth and psychomotor impact strategy”, which has been recognised by the Juan de Castellanos University of Tunja City – Zona Sur, coordinated by Dr Álvaro Miguel Morán. 


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