Elba Tamez





Elba Tamez


I have been working for over 20 years as a clinical psychologist, have trained in this specialty in conjunction with the Brothers of the Order. I have a broad knowledge of clinical psychology, working in the field of psychodiagnostics, psychotherapy and research. I am currently supporting the drug-dependency unit, and I sit on the Institution’s research and teaching committee.

Half my time is spent as the Head of Human Resources, specialising in the psychology of work with which I am not very familiar, and which is a challenge that I hope to perform in the best possible way to guarantee that the patients receive humane and dignified treatment by the people in charge of them. If this personnel is satisfied with their working conditions, with a stable emotional life and enjoying good personal relations, the sick in our centre will be in the best health conditions.  In this way, in the first stage of my work, which is more a matter of diagnosis, I maintain assertive communications with my staff. I check the physical health of all the personnel and perform activities such as dance therapy, and physiotherapy, to  help lower the chronic stress of the personnel. At the moment I am responsible for the physical, psychological, spiritual and social interests of the personnel working in the Centre. 


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