Shiny Anna James





Shiny Anna James


My Hospitaller Vocation was a turning point in my life directed by God. I grew up in Kerala at Kattappana in an atmosphere of intimacy with God. Life stories of saints, the words and experiences of my parents, teachers, priests and Sisters inspired me to think beyond looking for the satisfactions of this world. The question for me was not “with whom should I spent my life” but “when and where to start it publically”. While I was working as a staff nurse at St. John’s Hospital Kattappana the answer slowly clarified. My family had great respect and love for the missionary Saint John of God Brother Fortunatus who did much good to the poor and established and ran the Pratheekshabhavan and Hospital. When I revealed to my relatives my wish to become a religious Sister, after a discouraging reaction, they suggested that I consider the Sisters of Charity of Saint John of God if I felt a vocation to live compassion. Night nursing duties gave me a chance to do more reflection and prepare for a life of greater sacrifice. Through many persons, especially good and inspiring Brothers, Sisters and staff of the Hospital, I was encouraged to join the Sisters of Saint John of God. So, I became an aspirant and then made my first profession on 8th March 2003. I made final profession in January 2009. Today I happily recognise each day the graces that God showered on me in the Charism of St. John of God. 


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