Seraphim Schorer





Seraphim Schorer


Shoemaker Martin

Every time I reflect on hospitality I am reminded of the story by Leo Tolstoy about shoemaker Martin. Martin was a deeply religious man. One day he hears a voice and he understands that it is Jesus talking to him. Jesus tells him that He will come to see him in the course of the day. Throughout the day, many people come round to see Martin asking for help, and especially to warm themselves in his workshop. Obviously, Martin is rather agitated as he waits for Jesus to arrive. But as the day drew to an end, it became obvious Jesus was not going to come after all. Martin immersed himself in prayer as he did every evening. And then he heard Jesus’s voice again.  Where have you been? Martin asked the Lord. Why didn’t you come? To which Jesus replied: But I did come to you. In all the people you came across during the day, it was me that you met.

Every time we do something for someone, God’s kingdom on earth is realized.

Every time I realize this simple truth I am profoundly astonished. 


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