Luis Marzo Calvo





Luis Marzo Calvo


I should like to begin by thanking God for having walked by my side, helping me to discover His presence in every moment of my life. 

When I look back over God’s presence in my life I discover that He has always been very present and close to me, within my family, among my friends and in all the people I have met along life’s path.

Perhaps I became more conscious of this when I discovered that God was calling me to live my life at the service of the most poor and needy people, as a Brother of St John of God.

Living my life consecrated to the Charism of Hospitality has opened up many new horizons which were not so evident to me at the beginning. Living for God and for others has brought me out of myself, to make the God of Life its centrepiece, as a daily presence.

I am happy in my daily work with the Brothers of the community forming part of the Hospitality project which we all share as members of the Hospitaller Family.

At times of uncertainty or difficulty I always call to mind the words of John Paul II addressing the faithful in St Peter’s Square inaugurating his pontificate: “Do not be afraid".

I sense that I am in the hands of the One who called me, one day, to leave my beloved land of Aragon to be his disciple whatever he would take me. 


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