Luz Amparo Bedoya Toro





Luz Amparo

Bedoya Toro


I am a Co-worker at the La Ceja Saint John of God Hospital, belonging to the Hospitaller Order of Saint John of God. I had the privilege of joining this institution run by the Hospitaller Brothers of Saint John of God 36 years ago. I work as a seamstress and on other duties in the General Services area. From the time I began working in the hospital, the Brothers placed their confidence me and gave me the opportunity to acquire my working and life experience with them. 

What made me most keen to be part of this great Hospitaller Family was the commitment shown to so many of the most vulnerable people, such as the poor, sick and needy and in particular the mentally ill.

The charism of the Order encouraged me to provide this service with quality and human warmth on behalf of our guests, as well as the Brothers and Co-workers.

I found that the Lord had a mission for me, and as time passed I joined forces to foster the well-being of the needy, relying at all times on this support of my fellow Co-workers as well as the management and Brothers.

Today I can say that my dreams have been fulfilled, giving me a home of my own, seeing my children fulfil themselves professionally and, in general, having all I things I wanted to have.

I thank all the Brothers of St John of God who have passed through this institution and all my Co-workers and the sick I have served over the years, for their friendship and fraternity. 


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