Santiago Gonzalez





Santiago Gonzalez


Recalling the history of my vocation is a moment of prayer, of thankgiving to God for my vocational pathway, and is also a time to turn my back on the bad times, the moments of loneliness, of darkness, of tasting once again some of the most bitter events that I believed I could bear. And they also eventually passed. It is true that, that with the passage of time, I do not renounce difficult moments, because they have taught me a great deal and because they have also passed by.

It is also a time to look back and trace my steps, and see the times when I believed I had reached my goal, or at least my place, to discover, with the sage, “when you have found the answers you realise that the questions have been changed”.

This all goes to show that my vocation is in a constant state of flux, discovering myself every day, and questioning myself about it, trying to understand, despite the difficulty, that this is a pathway, and not a goal, and that one day I hope to exploit this path while continuing to walk along it, since I cannot do otherwise, because I continue to expect to arrive, or, as the words of the song have it, “only thirst enlightens”. 


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