Mª Jose Sánchez Castilla





Mª Jose

Sánchez Castilla


I should like to share with you a glimpse of my Hospitaller personal experience over the past 14 years at the St John of God Hospital in Seville. And I would like to do so out of love and gratitude for our Lord for this life which he has given me.

I am a nurse with the Palliative Care Unit. I owe my profession to a neighbour from my village whom I accompanied a whole night with his dying wife.

They had no family and within myself something told me that I could not possibly leave them alone. They had played in important part in the life of my own family. This was when I decided to study nursing.

I gained my practical experience in this Centre where I had the pleasure of working under my tutor, and subsequently my friend, Sister Pilar Fernández (a Camelite Missionary), who was a benchmark for my apprenticeship. She left a deep impression on me with her warm and simple attitude towards the sick and their loved ones.

She did not teach me any techniques, but she did teach me one of the most important values in my profession: “Care for and remain close to the sick and their loved ones, drawing on the Word and the actions of Jesus". This is what being a prophet of Hospitality means to me. 


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