Martha Oriana Sastre





Martha Oriana Sastre


My name is Martha Sastre,  and I work at the Secretariat of Provincial Curia, and in September this year I celebrated my 25 years working for the Hospitaller Order.

My main task is to coordinate the administrative work of the Curia, and above all I am a facilitator working on behalf of all the Brothers and Co-workers.

Before I joined the Curia, I had already worked at the Ramos Mejía Saint John of God hospital in the Management Office, and other health care institutions outside the Order for 16 years. There is something special about hospitals, and I was always passionate about the patients, which fills me with joy until this day. The hospital provides everyone with a sense of unavoidable reality.

On the subject of my vocation I can say that I am happy to do this work because I know that doing things well in my own place of work helps all the sick who come to our centres in the Order. At first, I found it hard to understand this because my work is different in the Curia. However, a number of Brothers with whom I had the opportunity to work mentioned the words of St John of God to me, “do good, work well done...” and they convinced me.

I understand that every one of us must strive, in our respective workplace, to give the best of ourselves without doubting that that short moment will rebound and do great good to many people even though we are not face to face with them, but certainly very close.

As a Co-worker of the Order I feel part of this Hospitaller Family and believe that the values of hospitality are a message of hope which brings us close to Christ. I am sure that if John of God lived today he would ask me to incorporate his charism into my daily work, as the ethos driving my development and giving all my work on behalf of his patients the maximum creative professionalism possible. 


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