Noemí García González





Noemí García González


My experience as a Co-Worker took me through several stages. At first I was a student at the hospital, which allowed me to mature both professionally and personally. Subsequently I took part in the Honduras Project. It was then that I was able to experience hospitality with the Brothers and even identify myself with the values of the Order. I have learned much from the Brothers and from my colleagues. I came to learn more about the life of St John of God and the impact which his works, both large and small, had on the most vulnerable. 

In working for the hospital, I learned that hospitality translates into the passion with which one carries out one’s mission; it is also about professionalism and being aware of the importance of permanent on-the-job training in order to achieve spiritual and professional growth. The hospital also implies ethical values such as the quality of the care provided, respect, responsibility, love and dedication to work. Finally, I learned that in recognizing the dignity of our patients we contribute to their cure and to improving the quality of their lives. 


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