Kirsten Oberhoff





Kirsten Oberhoff 


My job involves the use of a camera, so I’ve become accustomed to observing people … in some cases, my camera also serves as a protective shield. When I meet people, I’m always the one asking questions and I’m the one who, as a witness, describes the work of the Saint John of God Brothers. The pomegranate is often enough to whet one’s appetite: for further information, or even for spiritual nourishment. Every now and then the young brothers are able to “serve” it in a particularly appetizing way during the open doors days. It is important to render our message tasty.

In some rare cases we are actually able to bring Saint John of God to life. Behind the words, suddenly his ideas, works, and life become real. At that point, words are often no longer necessary.

My office is located near the palliative care unit. When I run into the patients of this ward I feel engaged as an individual, not as a journalist: we say hello, sometimes exchange a few words with the patients who bask in the sun out on the porch … and part with a smile. 


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