Edgar Bondoni





Edgar Bondoni


I am the General Manager of the Instituto Psicopedagógico, for helping people with learning difficulties.

Serving implies helping someone spontaneously, that is to say, with a permanent attitude of cooperation with others. We may perhaps recall the experience of some stranger who turned up precisely when we needed help and, having helped us, disappeared and was never heard of again. People who serve in this way are continually alert, serving and seeking out opportunities to help someone. They always turn up unexpectedly with a smile, holding out a helping hand, and receiving a favour creates a deep sense of gratitude within us. Whenever we help, however little, we are given this strength to overcome our laziness, giving those who surround us time to look after other matters or simply to rest from their daily labours. Hence the need to encourage a culture which exalts the vocation and attitude of service as a value of society, to be given the maximum recognition. There is nothing so gratifying to give meaning to our lives as the sense that we have really served our fellow men and women, whether they are our loved ones, friends, clients, companions, neighbours or simply fellow citizens. 


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