Manuel Avila Padilla





Manuel Avila Padilla


How can I do otherwise than thank God for having guided me, lovingly and subtly, in my mission, as his son along this path of holiness.

He not only called me by my name, but instructed me and guided me, as he did in 2007 when he redirected my life with the call to the Sacrament of Matrimony and showed me his merciful face in the exercise of my profession, revealing to me the beauty of simplicity and the need to defend human dignity, as Saint John of God did.

This experience of John of God has made it possible to see who the Sick really are: Sons of God in need of His mercy.

This fact has redirected my professional work caring for the sick, not only guaranteeing good alternative therapies but also providing spiritual and emotional support; encouraging pharmaceutical care activities, supporting liturgical activities and worship in honour of Saint John of God, attending the festival of unpublished songs, and on Wednesdays leading joint prayer and reflection sessions with the pastoral care of the sick workers, in which patients, carers and co-workers can encounter the Risen Christ.

God has a special plan for each of us and I pray that in the Name of Jesus, by the power of the Holy Spirit and by the intercession of Our Lady of Good Counsel we may discover it every day and commit ourselves to implementing it for our good, and the good of the Church. 


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