Vit Pospichal




Repubblica Ceca

Vit Pospichal


I am a student at the Faculty of International Relations and European Studies at Masaryk University in Brno in the Czech Republic. I have been in contact with the Brothers of St John of God virtually all my life. When I was six years old I served as an altar boy in their Church and in their hospital Chapel. When I became an undergraduate I looked for something practical to do. For several months, I took turns in working as nightwatchman in a food store. When I mentioned this to the Superior of the Brothers of St John of God in the Czech Republic, the Provincial Delegate, he burst out laughing because at that very moment he was looking for someone to work as his private secretary. And so I became his personal assistant, handling the public relations of the Order in the Czech Republic. It is not an easy task, particularly in the Czech Republic where 50 years of Communist rule has created a sense of profound diffidence and mistrust, and in many cases nothing short of hatred, of the Church. I want us to succeed in winning back the confidence of the people, showing them that we are doing a good job.

I am also responsible for the magazine with which I publicise our values and ethos. I also organise an event at which we award prizes for outstanding merit in the field of health care. Apart from that, I am committed to being a model of hospitality to my Co-workers. I run events, exhibitions and charity concerts for the sick in our hospitals, among other things. So I spend a great deal of time with the Brothers of St John of God and endeavour to make myself useful in whatever way I can.

Even though I am only 25 years old I feel that I bear a great responsibility to contribute to the continuity of the Order which has been in the Czech Republic for over 400 years. Even though I do not work directly with the sick, it is always a great joy for me to make contact with them because I realise their state of need and I feel my responsibility to ensure that they are not left alone when in need. Even though I am neither a doctor or nurse I can also give the patients my presence and company, both physical and spiritual.

I have very close ties with the Brothers. One of my grandfathers used to play the organ in the Church of the Brothers of St John of God, and my other grandfather worked from time to time as a doctor in their hospital. I am therefore very grateful to be able to work with, and for, the Brothers of St John of God. It is a very important job for me, because I feel that, with them, I can grow as a man and as a professional. 


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