Sisters of the Destitute





Sisters of the Destitute


«Be hospitable to one another without complaining. As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God's varied grace» (1 Peter 4:9–10).

It happened on July 3, the Feast of Saint Thomas, which is a very important event for us Indian Sisters.

After the Eucharist – it was a bright afternoon – the Prior of the Hospital of the Saint John of God Brothers in Regensburg, Germany, invited us to a barbecue in the brothers’ garden. We were very happy to receive this invitation because we would be celebrating Brother Thomas’s Saint’s day as well as the feast of the patron of our Syro-Malabar rite.  So we, the Indian Sisters working at Regensburg hospital, gathered with the Saint John of God brothers to celebrate together spontaneously out in the garden. We all enjoyed the serene and warm atmosphere. We felt at home. We were like a family that prays, eats, plays and laughs together.

This evening was a true expression of hospitality as it is intended by the Order of Saint John of God. In the Indian tradition too great importance is attached to the concept of hospitality. When we welcome a guest we are aware that in that guest we are meeting God. Indeed, there’s an Indian proverb that says “Adidhi Devo Bhava” which means “I welcome a guest as if I were meeting God”. In other words, I am here for you, we are here for you. This very concept, which is expressed in a fourth vow, the vow of hospitality, forges the lifestyle of the Fatebenefratelli.

We had the chance to experience this directly on the evening of the feast of Saint Thomas … and many other times. 


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