Pratap Bilmal





Pratap Bilmal


I am a second year Novice and I come from a middle class farming family. The parish Church is far from my village but my parents took us to Church every Sunday. We worked hard on the farm but every day we had family prayer in the evening. At the school I was encouraged by the parish priest and the Sisters to attend Holy Mass and the catechism class. I did this up to 12th grade. My village is a remote one and it was very difficult to go to Church and catechism classes but I made every effort to attend the Church activities. I was a member of the parish youth organization and attended retreats and other programs organized by the parish. All these helped me to know more about Jesus Christ and religious matters. I prayed to the Blessed Virgin to help me to realize my vocation and I felt attracted to the Saint John of God Brothers. I informed my parents and parish priest of this. The Saint John of God Brothers were well known in my parish because the priest had a great appreciation of the Brother’s charism of Hospitality and the form it took in their charitable work for the poor and the sick people in different villages. He encouraged me and gave me a letter to the Brothers. I visited the Brothers with my father and they welcomed me with the hospitality for which they are well known. 


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