Gonzalo Arteaga







I am a second year novice in the Order’s India Province. I joined the Order in 2011 at the age of 29. I was born in a middle class family and, with the encouragement of my family I participated in various activities of parish life. Members of the family and priests and religious I met encouraged me to think of becoming a priest. I felt unworthy of that call so

I searched another way of life that was devoted to Jesus. Meanwhile I completed my degree course and went to Bangalore to study nursing. After completing my nursing training I went to Poona for practical experience in nursing. I worked there three years in a multispecialty Hospital. There, my life changed a lot. I was born in a well-to-do family and I have not seen such difficulties. But there I saw much poverty, sickness and suffering and love of money.

That touched my heart. I wanted to do something for those people. My thoughts turned to joining a congregation that served the poor and the sick and the needy. I found that in the Hospitaller Order of Saint John of God which sums up its spirit in the word ‘Hospitality’ which it then puts into practice. Now a novice, I am deepening my spirituality as a Hospitaller Brother. I am learning that Hospitality embodies other values such quality, respect, responsibility and spirituality. The beneficiaries of the Order’s charitable works, as I saw at Poona, certainly need care that respects such values. 


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