Lucelly Perez Valdés





Lucelly Pérez Valdés


For the past 25 years I have been a Co-worker with the Clínica San Juan de Dios in Manizales. When I joined this institution I realised that I had found the place that I had been seeking for so long; I came to know the patients and to understand that God places people and things in our path to make us grow. And this was true in my case. I began working in different places and areas of the hospital, and in each one I saw that someone, for some reason or another, needed my good services and my understanding, whether it was to wash and to look after their clothes, show them how to keep fit, and in my new duties, to listen them and solve their concerns in a way that only God has been able to guide me. This is why I wanted to belong to the hospital’s Pastoral Care of the Sick team because this is the way I identify myself with my companions. But I think that we must give much more of the love we have for our patients in all our daily tasks and deeds. I thank God and the Hospitaller Order for enabling us to stay in an institution which thinks of Hospitality, respect and love for all its guests, just as our patron, Saint John of God, did. 


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