Ewa Jaskulska





Ewa Jaskulska

My name is Eva Jaskulska and I have been working with the  Piaski hospital structure since 1988. I can divide my work in this hospital into two different phases.

At the start I worked as a nurse and watched the work of the Brothers from afar, without any particular interest. In the year 2000, the hospital was closed and it was returned to the Order.  At first, I viewed this primarily as an event that would cost me my job. But then in 2005, the Prior asked me and many others to work together to create a new structure. He introduced us to the figure of Saint John of God and his concept of Hospitality. He showed us how with the right kind of management, each one of us with his or her everyday work could help both the patients and his colleagues. In other words, he taught us how a community could be created.

My idea of working with the sick – with love, dedication and cooperation – is now carried out through this mission. Despite various difficulties, the atmosphere created by the Brothers, by the Co-Workers and by the volunteers – their genuine commitment in the care and rehabilitation of the patients – were and are the main factors behind the satisfaction of our patients and the reputation of our hospital.

I am happy to work in the House of the Lord, to have rediscovered this place for the second time. The way I see it, Christ is the focal point of this hospital, He is present in every one of us. I kneel at the altar, I thank God for what he has given me and I entrust my concerns to him. Whenever it seems humanly impossible for us to solve a problem,  He sends me the personnel and the solutions that I need. Thanks to all this, my spiritual life, my family life and my working life have changed for the better, But I had a good guide from the start. Saint John of God is for me a source of inspiration in following Christ. 


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