Chinnappara Raj





Chinnappara Raj


I am from the state of Tamilnadu and, as a Brother of St. John of God, I made solemn profession in 2005. My story as a Brother began when I was born the first of three children in our family. As a boy I thought of becoming a priest but my parents asked me to do undergraduate studies first and then offer that to God. I agreed. Still I also had a strong desire to simply offer myself to God and let God use me how God wanted me. I undertook and completed a degree at Madras University in 1995. Then I became interested in the Brothers of Saint John of God and an opportunity came up to visit them and their work for the aged at Poonamallee. I was impressed with the hospitality that they showed me on that visit and also by their work for the aged men in their care. Subsequently I chose to become a Hospitaller Brother because the charism of Saint John of God inspired me lot. A Hospitaller Vocation is an invitation to share in the life and mission of Jesus, making him present in the world by living as he lived. With my commitment I want to be an instrument of the power of the name of Jesus to bring healing, salvation and hope to the world through hospitality. My journey is a time to continue to try to live as a faithful companion of Jesus. God’s love is always new every morning. 


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