Arokya Raj





Arokya Raj


I was born, one of three boys, into a farming family in 1991. When I was in grade twelve I heard about St. John of God and his charism of Hospitality through the Order’s vocations promoter in Tamil Nadu. I was inspired by this saint and his mission of caring for the poor, sick and needy. I told my parents and they said I had a choice between becoming a Brother or going on to further studies. Then I went to a vocation camp at the Order’s house at Trichy. After that I asked to join the Order. I was accepted and began my formation. During my second year of novitiate I had experience of Hospitality in different works of the Order. I saw the Brothers and Co-workers putting into practice what we are taught in the novitiate: that is to imitate the compassionate and merciful Christ in their work for the poor, the sick and the needy. They tried to be like Jesus who went about doing good to all and responding to "every kind of disease and infirmity". I could see that being hospitable to others supports the Church’s mission of proclaiming and bringing about the Kingdom among the poor and the sick. However, it also transforms our own existence. It is wonderful to have a vocation to keep alive the merciful presence of Jesus of Nazareth in time and in the lives of suffering people. 


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