Augusto Vieira Gonçalves






Vieira Gonçalves


I was born in 1957 in a suburb of Fatima into a family of farmers who were all devoted Christians.

From the age of 11, I attended the Fatebenefratelli Apostolic School where I learned about the Order, studied and began specializing in the care of psychiatric patients.   It is where I understood that I wanted to consecrate my life to God.

I was a novice at 17 and made my first Profession of Faith at 19. I was part saint, part dreamer then, somehow protected from the world, reasonably well educated and rather immature.

With the Redemptorist missionaries, my catechesis was theology and Father Santos taught me about the things of God and man. I studied accountancy and management at university.

In Portugal I worked mainly in management, in running communities and works, in journalism, and in promotional activities both at hospital level and with young people’s vocations. At the age of 45, I moved to Brazil where I spent five years running works and communities before devoting myself for seven more years to hospitality in general in favour of needy populations.

To sum up, I think I have been (am) driven more by the head than the heart, more by work than by relationships, more by the office than the infirmary, more by theology than by devotion and more by ideals than by suffering.  I started too early but, thank God, things are going well enough in my life. It would be better, however, if there were fewer omissions and failings on my part!

I think I have been above all a partner of the Holy Spirit in forming and looking after young hospital workers in Portugal, and in the creation and management of the House of Hospitality in Brazil.  In the first case, I led people towards hospitality; and here I bring hospitality to people.

This is how God and John of God became real for me and continue to do so.

The future? They will tell me! 


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