Maria Antonia Romo





Maria Antonia Romo


Following a truly difficult phase in my life, together with the things that happen to people at my age – the children leaving home to get married and having enough free time to reflect and to find a deeper meaning of life, I decided to go to the hospital of the Brothers of St John of God, convinced that the care which I had given to my own loved ones on particular occasions could be given to all kinds of people in need of it.

I received a very warm welcome and joined the Palliative Care Unit and within a short time both in my pre-volunteer stage and as a volunteer I only met with support, affection and recognition from my tutor and from the officials and professionals working in the Centre.

All of this is of undeniable assistance, and as time passed I discovered that the real help I received every day and the strength I needed for my work came from our guests, “my children” as I often call them, who are capable of sharing these very complicated moments in their lives with you.

Without knowing it, you find yourself in a whirl in which everything overwhelms you, commits you, fills you and leads you to give of yourself increasingly.

I also have some very emotional memories of this short time, such as the day I was appointed a volunteer, my work at Christmas time, visits to the Order’s centres, processions and so on. In short, a host of values which, by being shared, make our lives a little more pleasant as every day passes. 


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