Javier Alberto Enríquez Jiménez





Javier Alberto Enríquez Jiménez


I entered the San Rafael Hospital at Pasto on February 14, 2013, as a Co-worker in the area of the Pastoral Care of the Sick and Humanisation.

Serving in the Order has given me the opportunity to achieve personal self-fulfilment, knowing that I can contribute, with my life, to the edification of the people with whom I come into contact. The sense of satisfaction at being able to translate his Word into practice is an overriding motive to renew my self-giving every day for the good of the patients, their loved ones, our Co-workers, volunteers, neighbours and benefactors. Thanks to the unconditional support of the Hospitaller Brothers I can rally to this cause of Hospitaller and Charitable Service to which we are called as travellers in the footsteps of the Master and St John of God, as an example of Compassion and self-giving.

For me, being a member of the Saint John of God Family is an act of Thanksgiving to the God of Life at the moment of gathering together as Church at the celebration of the Holy Eucharist, and Prayer and Meditation on the Word of God. I am grateful to God for His call to the Hospitaller service and I continue renewing my response to Him every day. 


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