Malachy Brannigan




West European

Malachy Brannigan


For me Hospitality is at the heart of the Gospel.It is about total acceptance of the other. Being made in the image of God what we do to another person we do to God Himself. Hospitality means total self-giving with no regard for the consequences to oneself. It is about giving, caring, loving, acceptance. Hospitality knows no bounds and displays a love which reaches out to all irrespective of creed, colour, gender or ethnicity. When we encounter another we give our total being for in that meeting God is present.

In my work at Olallo House where I have worked for the past four years I encounter people who have been hurt in so many different ways which has lead to them living on the streets, some for a number of years. When they come to Olallo they are at their most vulnerable: penniless; dirty; frequently intoxicated and under the influence of drugs; separation from family; many have lost all their possessions and some are stateless. It is in these situations that the practice of Hospitality can be very challenging but Hospitality can come to the fore when one tries one’s best to put into practice the Gospel message of Jesus Christ who never failed to highlight the individual’s worth and value. 


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