






Rehabilitation following in God’s way. My name is Gianni and as a physical therapist and a member of Fatebenefratelli’s hospital youth movement, this is the way I like to think of my profession, as a way of seeking Peace and Love. In concrete terms, the best way to do this, I believe, is to make oneself fully available to others, always being ready to be welcoming, to listen, to imbue kindness with infinite gentleness, to transmit happiness, and to reassure and console with the greatest possible patience and awareness of other people’s needs. At the same time, we must make unceasing efforts to perform our duties with determination, optimism, seriousness and maximum competence (I believe in receptiveness to change and to ongoing training). For in this way, we will – like a wave that washes ashore – transmit positivity to our dear brothers in difficulty and we will be able to exult and rejoice, praising God and giving thanks to Him for the results we have obtained, large or small.

Does it sound as if I am exaggerating, or perhaps instead understating things? I am not sure. What I do know is that I am still far from being fully and constantly in God’s grace and that the road is a long and difficult one. I also am fully aware of human frailties, starting with my own. But I believe I have found the way to overcome these frustrations and negativities, to accept with humility the limits of human nature and with a warm and determined heart to proceed along the path to Him. Amen. Peace to all and “do good my brothers”. 


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