Piedad Yunda




Ecuador - Quito

Piedad Yunda


For me, hospitality means providing our guests with good service from the heart, putting ourselves in their place, feeling they they and their needs are ours, showing particular interest in listening to them, understanding and helping them to solve their problems, so that they trust me and I can trust them, working transparently, simply, tolerantly, helping them to recover their self-esteem, their human dignity and helping them to feel their great worth, realising that they are important and have a mission in life, to do things properly in order to achieve happiness because we always have God ready to lift us up when we fall, although we must learn from it and not to stumble again. In other words, we must achieve sufficient maturity and responsibility in all we do, because my sadness is min, and my joy is the best reward God enables me to experience.

I always practise hospitality with the idea that it will achieve well-being. In all that I do I pray God to enlighten me. I do this lovingly, and do whatever is possible to penetrate the difficult situations experienced by our guests so that they eventually talk to me about their malaise so that we can work with them to try to change their lives 


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