Chun-Jin Yin





 Chun-Jin Yin


I have worked in the Yanbian Hospice, China, for 3 years. There we help patients who are in the terminal stage of their illness to live their remaining days free of pain and comfortable in an holistic environment. I have started to see the human joys and sorrows and the ups and downs in human lives with new eyes and learned the true meaning of love, suffering and service.  Most of the patients and families consider the hospice to be a place where people wait for a death without meaning. We help them by providing a welcoming environment and alleviating their pain. This helps them both psychologically and spiritually. We take special care to connect the patients with family members, friends and acquaintances who can make their remaining days more meaningful and worthwhile. I remember a 50-years-old man who was dying from bone cancer. He had a daughter who had a business abroad but the family did not inform her about the situation. I asked them constantly to inform the daughter. When eventually she was informed she returned to look after her father with loving care. She stayed with him until the peaceful last moment of his life when he passed away holding her hand. Later his wife thanked me for insisting that the daughter should be informed that her father was close to death. I find that the hospitable atmosphere of the hospice satisfies me and frees me to serve the patients and their families at every level. 


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