Arlene De Guzman




United States of America

Arlene De Guzman


I have been working in the Hospitaller Foundation Office of the USA Province for the past twenty-two years. I had been working in Electronics and Communications in Silicon Valley so it was a big change for me to come into fundraising. However, after a few months of working with Brother Patrick Corr who was responsible for fundraising then, I felt that I found my niche.  It was not an easy ride all those years; we have had to meet some challenges but St. John of God was always there to show us the way. Fundraising involves meeting many donors and benefactors who are willing to share what they have with our dear patients and residents at St. John of God Retirement and Care Center. This is something for which I am very grateful. Their gestures of hospitality have motivated me to be more involved, not only with the daily work tasks but to share the mission, values and hospitality of the Brothers with all the co-workers and benefactors that we encounter in our day to day activities. Working with the Brothers for the past twenty-two years I never felt bored or prompted to think of working in another place. It has been so enriching to work with the Brothers and other co-workers. When I go to work I feel that I am going to my second home. I was able to raise my three children with great values and hospitality that I myself was trying to practice over the years 


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