Jose Fernando Narvaez Gomez





Jose Fernando Narvaez Gomez


I joined the great Hospitaller Family of Saint John of God at the end of 2012 to strengthen my pastoral experience. Three years after my priestly ordination, my bishop commended me to accompany the spiritual life of this home of hospitality.

It has been an experience which has contributed a great deal to my consecrated and vocational life. My vocation materialised in the mission. This pastoral mission in the field of health care is a very particular and privileged one. I have the opportunity to administer the sacraments to the Brothers, patients, Co-workers, and the neighbours of the hospital.

It actually means walking holding hands with suffering and human pain. It means helping the suffering. It means once again picking up in my arms the distress and the tears of the needy. It means boldly seeing the suffering Christ in the faces of each of the patients.

This reflection is more than a mere statement of ideas; it is the objective realisation of the many achievements which have been the fruit of dedicated and silent team work. The Pastoral Care Committee has been responsible for all the activities, examined in terms of the Charism of hospitality. I can bear witness to the abiding concern of the Brothers to care for and foster a dignified life for the patients – a concern shared with, and strengthening, all the Co-workers.

Serving in this family has been a wonderful blessing of God which has strengthened my vocation and encouraged me to continue to give the best of myself, doing good, well done. 


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