Stephen Gaucin




United States of America 

Stephen Gaucin


My name is Stephen Gaucin and I have been working for the Hospitaller Foundation Office of the USA Province since 2011. I moved to Los Angeles, California after leaving my hometown of El Paso, Texas. Working in the Foundation Office has introduced me to many long-time benefactors of the Brothers, hence being respectful and hospitable are essential values to have when working. After I identified a need to learn about aging services and the aging process, I returned to school and received my master’s degree in Gerontology in 2013. However, no classes prepared me for what I would experience with the Residents. When I would share a meal with the Residents or hear about their life experiences, I experience hospitality. Being present and allowing the residents to express themselves is a restorative process for them and for me since I receive hospitality in return. It is through these personal experiences that inspires and motivates me to continue my work of raising funds and friends for our facilities and services. Every Brother, Co-Worker, Resident and Family member deserves our respect no matter what his or her status may be. Growing up in El Paso, Texas, my parents taught me to be kind to all and bring joy into people’s lives. I am grateful for being a part of the Hospitaller family and know that I will carry on the values and traditions learned from working with the Brothers and continue to good for others wherever I am. 


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