Valentina Cuervo





 Valentina Cuervo


My name is Valentina Cuervo and I am a student at the St John of God Institute.  I am in grade 801 and would like to share with you how I have lived the vocation of Hospitality in the years I’ve been studying with the Hospitaller Order in the Institute.  I gave my hair to children with cancer, but not because anyone or anything persuaded me to do so, I did it from my heart, because I wanted to know what it was like to make someone happy. I did it because I realized that image is not everything, and that it did not matter what my “friends” saw or described.  What was important was how I saw myself and that I should love and accept myself as I am.  Another thing I learned was not to give and expect something in return, because when I gave the children my hair I did not expect anything from them, I only expected my own satisfaction at knowing that I had made somebody happy. 


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