Scott Lowry




United States of America 

Scott Lowry


I have been a co-worker at St. Joseph’s Health and Retirement Center in Ojai, California, since January 2003. I was 23 years old when I began working at St. Joseph’s in the Environmental Services Department. Since then, opportunities have enabled me to work in different capacities on the campus. I am currently the Administrator of St Joseph’s services and what a wonderful opportunity this is to be able to teach, and share with others, things I have learned though my experiences as a coworker of this organization. I do this through my daily interaction with co-workers, residents, families, and visitors. Hospitality is one of the values that I strive to provide. Sometimes this happens when visiting a resident’s room in response to a service call. Caring for them not only for the issue at hand, such as a leaky faucet, but conversing with them as a person and offering assurance that the job will be done well and in a timely manner. When working closely with others, I enjoy sharing a reflection that I have felt impressed to share. I am courteous and respectful to a family member or a prospective resident during a tour of our campus. Throughout the tour I answer the many questions they have and I always do my best to help them feel welcome. Sharing a smile and a warm greeting of “Hello, good to see you” can have a lasting impact on people; this is something that I am striving to improve on. 


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