Santiago Lopez




United States of America 

Santiago Lopez


I am Santiago Lopez and a Co-Worker with the Brothers of St. John of God in the USA Province. In my position as CEO of all the ministries of the Province: St. John of God Retirement and Care Center in Los Angeles, St. Joseph’s Health and Retirement Center in Ojai, California and St. John of God Health Care Services In Victorville, CA, I have been very blessed to see the transformation of lives in a miraculous ways.  When I headed the recovery programs at St. John of God Health Care Services, I was able to witness the fruits of our hospitality in the lives that changed from prison and addictions to clean and productive lives. People were inspired to share these concepts with others after they were blessed by our interventions.  Lives continue to change daily in our facility and we are the recipients of their gratitude. I also had the opportunity to re-organize and fine tune our Samaritan Helping Hands program with a broad line of community services that effectively serve the underserved of the High Desert region of Southern California and again our core values of Hospitality, Respect, Dignity and Healing have been our axis platform to convey these values to the community. The challenges are great.  These are hard times in the Healthcare industry, but we must persevere with our core values and identity. All three campuses that form our Province have an exciting and promising future that each one of us can take part in it. 


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