Gregory Barnes




United States of America 

Gregory Barnes


I am Gregory E. Barnes and I am the Administrator of St. John of God Health Care Services in Victorville, California.  We are a drug and alcohol treatment facility and a community resource center that offers hope and opportunity to people who battle with the disease of addiction, the poor and the suffering.  We see people at the lowest points in their lives and have nowhere else to turn. I believe in the motto of “Do good to yourself by doing good to others”.  This is something that I live daily and along with that comes Hospitality.  I can meet people who feel that they are hopeless and lost and I can help them find their way.  As the old adage says, “We will love you until you can love yourself”.  And that is what I do. I greet every person who is need of our help with a smile that is genuine.  I treat them like they are the most important person, without judgment and a true concern for what they are going through.  I am fortunate that in my job I can actually see the person transform into a stronger, wiser and more confident individual. We take pride in making our facility one that creates an environment where people can feel welcomed, comfortable, understood, esteemed and loved.  We are truly moved by the Spirit of St. John of God and believe in his mission of extending the healing mission of Jesus through the Hospitality of St. John of God. 


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