Giovanni Argueta




United States of America 

Giovanni Argueta


I am Giovanni Argueta. I have worked at the USA Provincial Office Secretariat of the Hospitaller Order of St. John of God since 1997. Currently I live in Los Angeles. Before working with the Brothers of St. John of God I had been working in the banking industry which was a different world for me. The mission statement for most of the banks was to provide excellent customer service but overall make a profit for the bank. During the transition from banking into a not-for-profit religious organization my mission totally changed from one of profit-driven to a new mission of Hospitality and compassionate love to all who come to our centers. Throughout the years, working alongside the Brothers, I have been able to learn from everyone’s gift and talents on how to make a difference in my role with the Brothers, Co-Workers, Residents and others that I come in contact with on a daily basis. I have learned that everything is possible and not to be afraid if given a big project when you open up your heart to God and you do it unconditionally. Each day I keep learning and expressing my Hospitality in different ways. I am fortunate to say that I have a lot of big Brothers that continue to help me along the way. God has a way of calling all of us in one way or another to do his works. We often make our plans but ultimately God decides our path in the end. 


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