Azucena Segura





Azucena Segura


My name is Azucena Segura Nunez and I have been working in psychopedagogical therapy for the past four years.

We began by studying the  people concerned, which brought to light the very many needs of this extremely vulnerable population.  Not only were they homeless and hungry, their worst deprivation was a lack of affection, self-esteem and little or no schooling.  We worked and gradually brought about an improvement in their intellectual skills and capacity to adapt via plans for stimulating cognitive, sensorial, affective and motor skills.  In this way we discovered the potential imprisoned in these people by poverty, disabilities, neglect and above all by a lack of love.  One by one we made our way through the different stages of the plan and at present we are working on small, productive projects such as:  an organic kitchen garden, weaving cloth, painting cards, making headbands and key-rings.  For me Hospitality has been allowing the Lord to open up my life, turning me into an instrument for the marvellous work done by the Order.  As Fr Carollo used to say:  “Only Christ’s presence in our lives gives us the chance to love in gratitude and serve those most in need”. 


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