Stephen Kwon




South Korea

Stephen Kwon


I live in the St. Raphael Community at Chuncheon, Korea. The community is responsible for running the City Welfare Center for the homeless and an adjacent night shelter. The apostolic work of the center is very similar to the work carried out by St John of God in Granada.  The residents of the Center, volunteers and co-workers whom I meet and work with every day enrich my vocation as a Brother of St John of God. Every encounter I have with a resident makes me reflect on myself about my mindset and attitudes and to ask myself, “Am I really doing my best to be faithful and loving to this resident?” I never forget how St. John of God took care of the clients often late into the night and then would spend much time in prayer. I feel the gratitude of the clients and it helps me to compensate for any imperfections on my part. The beautiful memories encourage me and give me strength to go on striving to live out my vocation to the full.  I owe what I am today mostly to the residents of the Center.  Yes they are the reason I live here.  They are my teachers who help me follow the way of St. John of God. Every human being goes through his or her trials but they also have neighbors who share and console them. This is how we give witness to the Kingdom of God here on earth to those around us. 


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