Peter Weinhappl





Peter Weinhappl


My name is Peter Weinhappl and I would like to tell you about the dramatized version of Christ‘s Passion that we put on every two years in the centre for the disabled at the Fatebenefratelli hospital in Kainbach, in Austria. In this play, the disabled guests of the center, people who often have themselves suffered greatly, re-enact the life and death of our Lord together with the staff of the center and other friends of the Order.

Generally, the spectators are profoundly moved by this collective project which transmits a deep level of hospitality to one and all. Usually, the preparations take at least four months. As pastoral leader, it is my joyous responsibility to follow the theatrical company during that time in their preparations for the performance. Specifically, I am in charge of the text and the music. In one of the scenes, Christ’s disciples relate their own calling. They ask Jesus: “Master, where do you live?” and He answers: “Come and you will see”. This invitation is directed at the spectators as well. Come and you will see how we treat each other, come and you will see what we are capable of doing together, come and you will see what we have to say.

In other words, Hospitality under the sign of the Gospel is more than simple acceptance; it is something greater that comes directly from Him who hosts us in this world. God.

This representation of the Passion of Christ always ends with an agape, that is, a banquet in which all of us together celebrate Hospitality. And there is also a song which goes: “Wherever there is charity and love, there is God”. And I can honestly say that during the evenings in which this performance takes place, these words become synonymous with real life.


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