Manuel Rodríguez




Sudamerica Meridional

Manuel Rodriguez


I am a member of one of the most satisfying professions, because it enables us, in one way or another, to provide a service to this world of suffering, to recognise our littleness and to work every day to overcome whatever difficulties may arise. Above all, it enables us to give of ourselves unreservedly, trying to hand on the values bequeathed to us by previous generations, as the heirs of a great undertaking of hospitality. This is perhaps the reason why I chose, as my profession, to be a Religious, complementing my position as a Social Worker, to be useful doing whatever tasks might be entrusted to me, from the lowest rung to higher duties, always trying to improve and to give the best of myself, endeavouring to fit into today’s new models of work, accepting myself as I am with my limitations and my strengths.

At the present time I am the General Manager of the Centre.

We develop by giving the best of ourselves, transparently, and above all by learning to work as a team, requiring all the people who are entrusted to us to respond to the trust placed in each and every one of them. 


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