Samson Kapuot




Papua New Guinea

Samson Kapuot


I am one of the Brothers who form the Community that runs the rural health centre at at Walamu in the East Sepik Province of Papua New Guinea. The Order has been here since 1997. From the beginning of the Order’s presence at Walamu it has been associated with the St. Francis High School. In fact, it was concern for the health needs of the teachers and students of the school that brought the Brothers to this place initially. The first aid service at the high school soon transformed into a primary health clinic that deals with people in the surrounding area. It has even developed a subsidiary clinic at a far off village called Suau. My confreres here are qualified Community Health Workers. I am not trained in that area and my skills are in the field of construction, electrics and maintenance. Everyone tells me, and I believe, that my work is just as much a part of the Hospitaller Vocation as nursing and medical care. I know that if I were not here the clinic would not be as efficient and the need of the people for a good health service would not be fully met. I think that my testimony is important to illustrate that the Hospitaller Vocation is a very inclusive one and that just about every helping skill can be put at the service of the poor and the sick and needy and be acknowledged as an act of John of God Hospitality. 


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