Laura Martínez Rodríguez






Martínez Rodríguez


My mother always says “you shall know them by their deeds”.

And I could do no other than live Hospitality as a choice of life’s charism, as I intend it to become an integral part of everything that I am.

But it’s not so easy to be a Hospitaller.  It forces you to question who you are, beyond what you do, and it requires of you to always be open to otherness (of people) and to transcendence (of God).  Very often this shakes you in your deepest certainties.

I believe that to be truly Human, you must also be essentially Hospitaller.  To reject the hospitality that emanates from the Being is to reject oneself.

The experience of Hospitality in my life, with children and with young people, with the sick, with the vulnerable, with the poor and with my companion, this is what keeps me human; and I am profoundly grateful because this allows me to Live with a capital L.  With and in these people I re-discover myself and I re-discover God in my life, and this keeps me straight on the path I freely chose for myself.

To me,  engaging in Hospitality means never leaving others all alone.  It means converting myself into action and expression of Charity and of Justice, into an instrument of service in my humble day-to-day life.

The experience of Hospitality has been a transforming one for me.  I am very fortunate to have received it from great people, and to be able to count on the Brothers for the support that is necessary to live Hospitality, to constantly refreshen it and nourish it as we go along.

I only hope to be able to embody what my mother always told me: they shall know you by your Hospitality. 


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