Silvia Farina





Silvia Farina


I have been working at the General Curia of the Order for over 18 years.  I came from a different working background and only knew of the Fatebenefratelli because of the hospital on the Tiber Island.  The Christian values given to me by my parents have always inspired my life.

Over the years my knowledge of the Order has grown and deepened, especially with regard to the life of the Founder, St John of God, to whom I turn in times of difficulty whether at work or in  my private life.

Not working in a care centre, I do not come into direct contact with the sick, but this does not prevent me from putting Hospitality into practice, albeit  in a different way from those who  work closely with the suffering.

I have often wondered if my work “behind the scenes” could truly be of benefit, even if only minimally, to the sick and those who care for them.  I have even asked the Brothers about this, and thanks to the talks I have had with them,  have come to realise, after due reflection, that every job and every action carried out in the Order’s centres will indeed have repercussions on our centres and consequently upon the people who entrust themselves to the help and care of the Family of St John of God.

Hospitality is fulfilling one’s duties honestly and to the best of one’s ability, in as professional a manner as possible, thereby acting in everyone’s best interests:  having an open attitude and being ready to engage in a dialogue;  showing respect for people but also for the things entrusted to our care.  I particularly like to define our Curia as the General House of Hospitality, since it welcomes so many people from all over the world:  Brothers, Co-workers, friends of the Order and pilgrims. 


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