Héctor Rodríguez




Sudamerica Meridional

Hector  Rodriguez


As a Brother of St John of God I believe that I have a great deal to give every day. I am the supervisor of a Pavilion at the hospital and I really enjoy having contact with the patients, listening to them, catering to their needs, and talking to their loved ones. I feel free to walk all over the Centre and in all the pavilions to see our co-workers’ needs and concerns, visiting them when they are sick, accompanying them when they are sad or in pain and sharing their joys. I learn a great deal from both the patients and our co-workers, and it is a very enriching experience. I believe that our role in the Centres is to animate, delegating functions that we can share with others. We are going through a time of change and we should not be afraid to lose power by hanging onto it. We must brace ourselves for the future when our communities will be much smaller, but by being present in them we will keep alive the charism of St John of God. As the Brothers’ Superior I feel I am just one among many, but with a particular responsibility, which I share with them. 


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