Geminiana Mundadan




The Philippines

Geminiana Mundadan


Born in India, I am a Sister of a religious congregation known as the Daughters of St. Mary of Leuca. I was inspired to enter the convent at the early age of 7 years when I started joining church activities like prayer meetings, catechism classes and the church choir. I felt a special call to become a missionary and to help the poor and the needy. I entered the convent soon after my high school. After my profession I was apostolically active in Canada and Rome before returning to India where I spent a number of years. Then I came to the Philippines where, at present, I am Principal of the St. John of God Special School. This has been a new educational field for me but I have learned to love these children who show so much interest in coming to school regularly; and to their parents also who so patiently bring them to school each day. I soon became aware that the Hospitality which animates the life of the Order is very plainly shown by the generosity and the compassion that the Brothers and Coworkers manifest towards children who have special needs. The work that we do for, and with, handicapped children is a strong witness to the love that God shows to us through the healing ministry of the Church – in which we play a significant part. My stay in the Philippines, particularly at St. John of God Special School, has been most rewarding. 


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