Javi Serra y Eva Pérez





Javi Serra

y Eva Pérez


We have always lived our lives very close to the Church.  A life based on faith and in search of happiness through the various charisms that the Lord offers us.

In every thing we have been able to feel close to the Lord: through prayer, through work, through our commitment.  But it was concrete Hospitality, through the Brothers of Saint John of God, which brought us most fully into communion with The Word.

In a Church which seems to be closing itself to the world and the world’s needs, the Brothers have always been a doorway to the possibility of living in a different way; being a christian in the deepest, and at the same time in the simplest way: by welcoming, embracing and helping the people who need it most.

Their example in human relations, especially with the sick, has been a reference point for us, making it possible for us to continue believing in a Church that is among us, in a living Christ, and in God’s love made flesh, for each and every one of us.

The pastoral activities that they have enabled us to share with so many other young people has kept us close to the Church and has helped us follow our path of service to the Lord, through welcome, through service, and through our little domestic church.

We haven’t got a great deal to offer, but we’re never short of a word, a hug, a smile to give to the world. 


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