Relin Bataclan




The Philippines



My ‘vocation story’ started in 1996.  At that time Brother Francis Perrotta had the care of four special children in what became the “Bahay San Rafael” and I was employed to help him as a temporary staff member for nine months. Four years later one of the houseparents died and the Brothers asked me if I was willing to become a regular caregiver for the children. I said ‘yes’ and from then on I have been a houseparent for seven special children of “Bahay San Rafael”. Serving children with disabilities is very challenging work. However, my being a Social Work graduate helps a lot. During my practicum in various institutions and at a number of seminars, I have easily adjusted to serving them. The children give me great joy whenever I am with them. They help me a lot whenever I encounter problems and difficulties.  They are the source of my strength.  This is the reason why I love them so much and treat them as my own.  There is no equivalent in material things to the joys that I experiencing whenever I am with my ‘angels’.  I love sharing with them what I have learned and know. And they have their own way of communicating and showing understanding. I am thankful that I am a house mother of these children. They, and the Brothers, have my continuous prayers. 


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