Tom Kelly




West European

Tom Kelly


My wife died five years ago, we were married for 42 years.  When she passed away I was very lonely and did not know what to do with myself. 

The year she died I went to the annual fete run by St. John of God’s Service in St. Raphael’s, to see what it was all about.  As I was walking around a lady asked me would I like to become a volunteer.  I said no but took the form from her.  When I got home I decided to fill it in.  I sent it in and had forgotten all about it when I got a letter asking me to go for an interview.  I was interviewed by a staff member and two service users.  I became a volunteer in one of the units.  My concern was, would they like me and would I like them!   I asked myself if I was doing the right thing.  However, the service users welcomed me, one of them asked me my name and shook hands with me.  He was very kind and welcoming and we have become good friends.  I am still a volunteer and love being there.  My decision to become a volunteer and the hospitality shown to me by staff and service users have helped me get on with my life. 


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